Thursday, September 3, 2009

Crazy Like Me

Are you engaged in a similar project to update, enhance, or in any way improve your home?  If so, I want to add you to my community of crazies.  Add a comment here with your blog address or email me [wenderina at gmail dot com] your stories and I'll share them with glee.

Here are the crazies I know of so far -- and by the way, the size, depth and ambition of their projects seriously put mine to shame:

Out of the Ashes
Meet Lay....she's a self-proclaimed "overtired mother of 2 beautiful girls, and a step mother to another, temporarily retired as a automotive industry facilitator, settling into being a stay at home mom, wife and weekend farmer... About to embark on the challanges of being a first time homebuyer and a DIY renovator..."

House in Progress
Aaron and Jeannie have been at this a while...and they've made incredible progress.  They call their site Home Improvement...because it can't get any worse.  Check them out.

Cassity and her handy husband have a motto: reduce, reuse, recycle, re-purpose, remodel (try saying that 5 times fast)! They try to use old things in creative ways and reuse old building supplies in other projects. This is their THIRD project house. Check them out.

Renovation Therapy (aka iloveupstate)
Jean Martha is restoring a Greek Revival house built circa 1839 in upstate New York. She bought the house in response to a death in her family.  According to Jean, it was either start a HUGE project or lose her mind. She wisely opted to work through her grief with a sledgehammer. Check her out.

A Country Farmhouse
The bought an old farmhouse in the country and have been fixing it up ever since.  This home is the epitome of gracious living - while still feeling like real people live there.

WhisperWood Cottage
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